
Showing posts from January, 2008

remix, baby.

i hate math. why?  it's right or wrong.  it's black or white.  it always comes out with the same answer. it's consistent.   i am right AND wrong, at the same time.  i am always gray.   my answers are based on my moods.  i am not consistent.  and boys. what the fuck is up with boys? what the fuck is up with me and always ending up with the boys who hurt me, while the other boys, THE NICE BOYS, sit on the sidelines and try to convince me to leave boy #1 and be with them, because they will treat me better. i know they will treat me better , but that's half the fun i have in relationships, is knowing that i could do better. i like the bad boys, and it frustrates the fuck out of me. i'm not changing, though. not even for you. not even because you're going into the army in 6 months. nope. not even that. and SCHOOL. FUCK school. who the fuck needs to know how to derive cosine and cosecant from the pythagorean theorem? WHO USES THAT, EVER? nobody, that is exactly who u